Saturday 3 December 2011

'December Dip' at Parliament Hill Lido with my lovely and brave friends Adelaide and Avril!

December 2011 - Outdoor Swimming Association

December Dip

Chatting about the swim with Edith Bowman from Radio One!

My wonderful friends Adelaide and Avril who came to support me!
(I'm the short fat one in the middle)

............ we swam in 7 degree water to a brass band playing 'The Great Escape'
What a cool (or just cold) bunch

300 other equally mad people joined us


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Teeth-chattering fun courtesy of the original Spice Girls line up...

    The evolutionists must be having a field-day with this real-time proof that mammals do periodically give up the warmth and comfort of Terra Firma to start a new life and species back in the seas and oceans of Planet Earth.

    May Darwin’s progeny bare witness to the dolphins of tomorrow... this time with detachable, multi-coloured head-protectors.

    Churchill (his famous ‘we’ll frighten them on the beaches’ speech) once said: "Never has so far been swum by so few wearing so little..."

    Your fin-est hour awaits... (but remember, there’s a 60mins time difference on the continent...). Love. Mountain-J
